Tax File Number (TFN) Collection Statement – Kogan Super

Tax File Number (TFN) Collection Statement

The trustee of Kogan Super is authorised to ask for your tax file number (TFN) in line with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. The trustee will only use your TFN for lawful purposes. These purposes may change in the future if there are changes to legislation.

The trustee may pass your TFN to any other super fund or account to which your super is transferred in the future unless you request in writing that this not be done.

By providing your TFN as part of this online application:

  • you authorise the trustee to use your TFN to search the ATO SuperMatch database which will provide any ATO held monies and a list of other superannuation accounts held in your name and we will provide you with information about those accounts and how you can consolidate them into your Kogan Super account;
  • the trustee will use the ATO MAAS service to verify your TFN, name and date of birth;
  • the trustee will be able to accept all types of contributions made by or for you (some limits may apply);
  • you can avoid paying tax at a higher rate than would otherwise apply on your contributions;
  • you can avoid paying tax at a higher rate than would otherwise apply on your super benefit; and
  • it will be easier for you to find your super in the future and ensure that you receive all of your super benefits when you retire.
  • Should you wish to revoke your TFN consent, please call the Helpline on 1800 517 212

Choosing not to provide your TFN is not an offence.

For assistance or to access the Privacy Policy and your personal information call the Helpline Team on 1800 517 212

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​1800 517 212

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