Investment Options – Kogan Super

Investment Options

To make things easy, we have five simple investment options.

You have the flexibility to:

  • Choose an investment option that best suits your needs, or
  • Create your own mix using our five investment options.

You can update this anytime by logging into your Customer Login and clicking on ‘My Investments’.

Five simple investment options:

This option invests across most asset classes but mainly in growth assets. It predominantly takes an indexed investment approach. It’s designed for customers who want exposure to mainly growth assets and can tolerate a high level of risk over five years.

ObjectiveStandard Risk MeasureMinimum Suggested Timeframe
To achieve a return (after tax and investment fees) that exceeds CPI increases by at least 2% per annum over rolling five year periods.HighSeven years

Growth Investments 75%
(55% – 95%)

Defensive Investments 25%
(5% – 45%)

Asset Class Range % SAA* %
Australian Shares 15-45 30
International Shares 20-50 37
Real Assets 0-25 5
Alternative Assets 0-10 0
Growth Fixed Interest 0-15 6.5
Defensive Fixed Interest & Cash
*strategic asset allocation
5-35 21.5

This option invests across most asset classes but mainly in defensive assets, and predominantly takes an indexed investment approach. It is designed for customers who want exposure to mainly defensive assets and can tolerate a medium level of risk over three years.

ObjectiveStandard Risk MeasureMinimum Suggested Timeframe
To achieve a return (after tax and investment fees) that exceeds CPI increases by at least 0.5% per annum over rolling three year periods.MediumThree years

Growth Investments 34%
(15% – 55%)

Defensive Investments 65%
(45% – 85%)

Asset Class Range % SAA* %
Australian Shares 0-30 14
International Shares 0-30 16
Real Assets 0-20 2
Alternative Assets 0-10 0
Growth Fixed Interest 0-15 6.5
Defensive Fixed Interest & Cash
*strategic asset allocation
45-75 61.5

Invests mainly in Australian Listed Property. It is designed for Customers who want exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a very high level of risk over ten years.

ObjectiveStandard Risk MeasureMinimum Suggested Timeframe
To meet the benchmark return over the medium to long term.Very HighTen years

Growth Investments 100%
(90% – 100%)

Defensive Investments 0%
(0% – 10%)

Asset Class Range % SAA* %
Australian Listed Property 90-100 100
Cash 0-10 0

This option invests mainly in a combination of Australian and international shares, and takes an indexed investment approach. International currency exposure may be hedged. It is designed for customers who want exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a high level of risk over ten years.

ObjectiveStandard Risk MeasureMinimum Suggested Timeframe
To meet the benchmark return over the medium to long term.HighTen years

Growth Investments 100%
(90% – 100%)

Defensive Investments 0%
(0% – 10%)

Asset Class Range % Benchmark %
Australian Shares 40-70 50
International Shares 40-70 50
Cash 0-10 0

This options invests mainly in cash. It is designed for Customers who want no exposure to growth assets and can tolerate a very low level of risk over one year or less.

ObjectiveStandard Risk MeasureMinimum Suggested Timeframe
To maintain the invested capital and to achieve a return above that available on bank bills, as measured by the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index on an annual basis.LowOne year or less

Growth Investments 0%
Defensive Investments 100%
Asset Class Range % SAA* %
Cash 100

You can find more about invest options including how we invest your money, asset classes and investment risk. Read the Product Guide and Product Disclosure Statement.

The investment objectives above are general and are only a guide as to how investments of this nature will typically behave. The characteristics of your chosen investments may be quite different and you (or your financial adviser if applicable) will need to research your individual investment. Past returns are not indicators of guaranteed future performance.

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